Why Jesus?

Jesus Christ is the LORD Master. Jesus is GOD and He is also GOD’s Son. Jesus willingly came in human form to the earth to provide a solution to mankind’s problem.  The problem:  Sin;  a craving in human nature desires to be a god.  To be the center of the attention with no other thought than self: self-directed, self-willed, self-dependent and so on.   Now GOD has told us He is the only GOD and there are no others like Him.  With that being true you can see why GOD said there was a problem. Sin has caused people to think they can be god or that they don’t need GOD because they can do it on their own. That is called pride and pride is what caused a beautiful angel of the LORD called Lucifer to sin against his creator and master. You may know Lucifer by his earthly name, satan. GOD threw satan out of Heaven.  Satan’s destiny is an eternity in Hell.  

GOD does not share His throne or His glory with anyone, including us, His creation.  So, the problem of mankind wanting to be the same as Him created a need for a solution to sin.  Sin keeps us from GOD. GOD cannot look upon sin and in our sinful state GOD can not have a relationship with us.  This is a big thing!  Without a relationship with GOD we cannot have our sins forgiven and we cannot go to Heaven.  Our destiny, as is satan’s, is an eternity in Hell. 

But, GOD is Merciful to us, His creation. He loves us and wants us to be with Him in Heaven.  His desire is for all of mankind to spend eternity with Him.  He loves us that much. In His Mercy, GOD chose to show us favor.  His favor was not because of who we are or what we have done or paid for.  His favor is totally undeserved by us, but GOD in His Mercy gave us His favor anyway.  His favor is called Grace.   We didn’t earn it or deserve it.  GOD gave it anyway.

How?  The solution to our sin problem was that we needed a savior, someone to save us from our destiny of Hell.  GOD in His Mercy and Grace provided His Son Jesus as the perfect and holy payment He required of sin.  No human could fill the shoes of GOD requirements. Jesus, His Son is the only one holy and perfect thus being able to pay our debt to GOD for our sin.  Jesus alone and His dying on the cross and rising from the dead paid the price required of GOD for our sin. Because He did this, mankind now had a way to have a personal relationship with GOD the Father in Heaven and go to Heaven.

We don’t go to Heaven automatically and there is only one way to get there.  Yep, you guessed it, JESUS.

So what you are saying….well, if I may extend this a bit more, read on and I will tell you what Jesus has done for me.   

I have a relationship with GOD the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. You can read my story here on the site if you like.  Please understand that my words are but a fraction of a fraction of who Jesus Christ, my LORD Master is and what He has done for me.  There are not enough words in all the languages of earth combined that could express the depths of who Jesus is and what He has done for us. 

Read on and find out what GOD has done for me:  What Jesus has done for me.

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