Pray For Even The Smallest Things

Today, let me tell you how GOD, our Mighty and Awesome GOD, The GOD MOST HIGH, worked in my life.   He saved my life and the lives of many on a highway with what could have been a very tragic accident for me and those traveling around me on that highway.

I was getting ready to travel to a city about 2 hours from my house this morning and I was going to pull our new trailer (small 6 x 12 enclosed trailer) with my husband’s truck.  We woke up late and He rushed off to work for a meeting without hooking up the trailer to his truck. I was a little nervous but, I have hooked up trailers before… I did what I knew how to do and tried to make sure all was well and safe with the connection and so forth and set off.

Before I left our long drive way I prayed and asked GOD to protect me, the truck and the trailer.  I was on the phone with my husband, because the trailer had made a noise I was familiar with.  When we went to hang up, I asked him to pray for me and my trip.

Things seemed to be going ok and I got on the smaller highway and was going along fine at about 58 MPH in the left lane of the two lanes on my side.  All of a sudden I hear a noise and look back at the trailer. It is now shorter in the front and dragging on the highway.( I had two safety chains attached and they were holding the trailer.)

Once I figured out what was happening, I began to brake and try and find the flasher button and move over.  This highway does not have a lot of open areas to pull off the side of the road onto.  By the grace and protection of GOD, The traffic behind me must have figured out something was up and slowed down and backed off. Thank you Mr. Dump Truck!  I slowly, but quickly moved over to the side of the road – a part of the road that opened up and was large enough for my truck and trailer to stop and move far enough out of traffic to let cars pass safely.  Thank You GOD!

The trailer never fish tailed, never became unsteady and stayed behind the truck as I braked, changed lanes and came to a stop!!!  Thank You GOD!!  It was like He was holding the truck and trailer together and steady and moving me over to the side of the road gently but safely.  The trailer never tipped, never turned sideways, even a bit. It stayed directly behind the truck, off the hitch and dragging on the jack stand foot!   Thank You GOD!

I had no clue what I was doing during all of this.  It was in no way my expertise in trailer pulling or my skill driving.  The hand of GOD was answering our prayer for protection!  Some may not see that as GOD answering prayers, but I know it was.  It wasn’t luck, it was my Mighty and Gracious GOD answering what I believed to be a simple prayer for protection.  Little did I know that that prayer would turn out to be so important in my life and in the lives around me at the time. For me, it’s overwhelming to think of what could have happened…no words can describe the thankfulness I feel in my heart for GOD and to GOD.  In fact, when I think about the whole incident, I cry. I have never been afraid like that before.

Take time to Pray, even for what you may believe to be simple and basic things. Believe GOD answers. Trust GOD. Today, GOD, took my mistake and saved not only me, but who knows how many others.


Thank GOD now for all things.  He is working in our lives even when we don’t see, feel or have a clue that He is around.

Thank GOD all the time!

My husband came and hooked the trailer up to the truck again and I can report that I successfully pulled the trailer without any more life threatening mishaps.

Thank You LORD GOD!

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