Self-Dog Garbage

Over a year ago, I heard a story titled “The Law of the Garbage Truck™” by David J. Pollay.  You may have heard it before and if so, it is a good reminder for us. When I heard the story, it made me stop and think about how I treat the people I come into contact with each day.  Do I treat others with the Love of our LORD Master even when they dump on me or do I retort unloving ways back at them?  Do I dump on others?

Here is the story told by Mr. Pollay:

“ I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, the car skidded, the tires squealed, and at the very last moment our car stopped just one inch from the other car’s back-end.

I couldn’t believe it. But then I couldn’t believe what happened next. The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us. And he even threw in a one finger salute! I couldn’t believe it!

But then here’s what really blew me away. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was friendly. So, I said, “Why did you just do that!? This guy could have killed us!” And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call, “The Law of the Garbage Truck.” He said:

“Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they look for a place to dump it. And if you let them, they’ll dump it on you.

“So when someone wants to dump on you, don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Believe me. You’ll be happier.”

So I started thinking, how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the street? It was then that I said, “I don’t want their garbage and I’m not going to spread it anymore.””

We all at times are both the garbage truck and the destination….”

J. speaking now…

We can pretty up the outside but it is the inside that matters.

Let’s talk about being that garbage truck…

We all are guilty of dumping our garbage on others, but why?  The answer is our selfish hearts. Our self-dog rises to preserve our perceived rights, to protect what we believe is ours.  When someone walks on a right or takes what is ours, we seek to resolve the problem with anger and end up dumping our garbage all over them.  The question is what are we going to do to change?  Can we do anything to change?

The answer is a resounding YES! but with a but.  We can change, but we need GOD to do it for us.  We alone cannot change on our own.  We do not have the power to overcome the strongholds that create all the garbage in our life or the strength on our own to stop dumping our garbage on others.  It is GOD who is working through us by His Son, Jesus and His Spirit, that gives us the power to overcome all the garbage in our life.

How?  I hear you saying.  When we are willing to surrender all to our LORD Master, then His life by the power of the Holy Spirit changes are made in our heart.

Surrendering all to Jesus is an act of humbling ourselves to Him.  We give up our “rights” to our own will and life and let Him control every aspect of our life.  So long Self-dog!

Give all to the LORD Master, Jesus Christ!

As we surrender to Him, He changes our hearts to become more like His. Our thoughts and actions begin to change.  He helps us to respond as He would when we encounter the garbage trucks in life, with calmness, peace and love.   We don’t let the garbage of life rule or ruin our life.

The choice is ours.  Do we stay doomed to spew our prideful garbage on others or do we give up our garbage truck and surrender our Self-dog to Jesus?

For me, I think I am giving up my garbage truck, it smells anyway.

Dear LORD Master, we are so mesmerized with ourselves that we selfishly consume anyone that gets in our way.  LORD, we have sinned and our pride continues to hurt loved ones, friends and dishonor Your name.  LORD, cleanse and change our hearts. Turn us from our selfish way like only you can. LORD Master, we turn our all over to You.  We seek Your face and we want more of You.  We turn our eyes to You only. LORD Master to rule in our hearts.  

May we serve You only.




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