What Jesus has done for me

  • My GOD has done for me what no other person has ever done.  He has forgiven me of my sin and brought me into His kingdom as His child. He has given of Himself and given me LOVE and His name is called Jesus.  Jesus now lives in my heart and will never leave me. And it is Jesus that has given me peace beyond anything I have ever had or can understand. He has given life to my desperate, barren, thirsty soul in which He alone is the source.  He has given me His life for now and all eternity. He has lavished His Love upon me because He is LOVE.
  • My GOD has had mercy on me when I didn’t deserve it.  I have done nothing to earn His Mercy.  He gave it to me before I even existed.  He knew I could never come to Him as I was, a sinner. He knew I needed a savior to redeem me into a right relationship with Him.  GOD’s Mercy allowed Him to send His Son Jesus Christ to earth and pay the price for my sin.  GOD’s law required my death (my blood) to pay for my sin, but GOD, in His LOVE, allowed His Son to take upon Himself all the Sin of the world and pay the price I could never pay.
  • My GOD gave to me His favor which is called Grace.  He didn’t have to, but He did.  GOD’s kindness towards me was shown through His son Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross.  I didn’t earn GOD’s favor or slip Him a hundred or promise to be good. He knew I could never keep that promise. I didn’t earn it because I am famous, important or any other ridiculous man made title or self – worship. Simply put, GOD extended His kindness to me because He LOVED me, not because of anything I am or have done.  He extends His Grace to everyone, no matter what you have done or what you look like, GOD extended His LOVE to us all through His Son Jesus Christ.  He did this before we were born all the while knowing who we were…sinners in need of His Son’s saving LOVE.  The kicker is that not everyone chooses to accept His LOVE even though it is there for everyone to receive.
  • My GOD showed me the cause of my sin. GOD allowed me to see my ugly Self-life and the Sin it was. I was a sinner and living for my own pleasures and in my own will.  My self-life or pride was strong, ugly, entrenched with its tentacles filling my body.  When I looked in the mirror I saw a horrible death in Hell. I saw how hideous my heart was. I saw that there was no good in me even though I pretended I was good.  Self-life can take on many forms to get its way and desires. Don’t’ be fooled, sin is deceiving and will destroy you. Sin’s mission is to kill, steal and destroy. Don’t be fooled by its lies of good, wealth and power.  GOD helped me to realize that my self-life had to be dealt with and soon.
  • My GOD gave me the only solution to my problem!  GOD showed me that His Son, Jesus had already paid the price for my sin long ago and that my sin could be forgiven if I accepted Jesus and what He had done for me.  Through Jesus my self-life could be overcome and my sin forgiven.  My GOD was giving me the gift of life in heaven and not hell.  My GOD was giving me LOVE.
  • My GOD showed me His plan for my pardon, His Son, whom he had sent into this world to be my Savior. Yes, I knew I needed saving from what GOD had revealed to me earlier about my sin (self-life) and the death penalty I was under.  GOD told me that no matter what I did on my own it would never be good enough to pay for my sin. I would never be pardoned because of anything I could ever do on my own.  I was in debt with no means repayment. GOD showed me my pardon could only come through His Son’s death on the cross and His risen life.  Jesus had paid the price required of me by writing a check to GOD with His blood. Jesus paid the price I could never pay. My pardon came by believing in His Son Jesus Christ with my whole heart.
  • My GOD gave me forgiveness.  My forgiveness could only come if I confessed I was a sinner. Then I had to believe and accept what Jesus had done for me on the cross and that He had rose from the dead and is now alive and seated in Heaven. Once I acknowledge I was a sinful person, I could ask Jesus to forgive my disobedience.  The key to asking Jesus to forgive my sin was to ask Him personally.  I had to ask. No one could ask for me. My baptism as a baby had not paid my sin debt either. Neither could going to church or even to a specific church. Growing up with Christian parents or being good all the time wouldn’t cut it either.  Nope, it was on me to acknowledge and ask.  Then accept and believe.
  • Because I accepted what Jesus did for me and I believe that Jesus died and rose again in payment of my sin, confessed to Jesus that I was a sinner, and personally asked Him to come into my life and take control of it, GOD gave me life with Him forever. What’s better?  NOTHING!!!
  • My GOD gave me Heaven.  Heaven is where GOD lives. GOD’s Glory, His Beauty, His Holiness, His being radiates throughout Heaven. GOD’s children continually praise and worship His Holiness.  In Heaven, there is love, peace and rest because of GOD.  Sin, pain, hurt, crying, and any other hurtful or destructive thing does not exist in Heaven. These things cannot. But, most importantly, my GOD is in Heaven and I will get to worship Him and be with Him, forever and ever.
  • My GOD has given me peace, and rest. He has given me security. He has given me hope and help where no other could.  My GOD has in a instant taken away pain, hurt and unforgiveness.  He has given His peace and love beyond my anything I can ever understand. GOD gave me the ability to forgive and love where I had none before. Thank you Jesus!  What joy I have had since!

I remember it so well. I wrestled with GOD for a week in prayer.  I knew I had to forgive because He says we should. Unforgiveness is hatred and hatred in the heart is the same as murder. We cannot be in GOD’s will when we have any unforgiveness in our hearts.  But anyway, I remember that I was just in turmoil over the unforgiveness in my heart.  There was so much pain that I caused and that was done to me. I couldn’t see how things could be any different.  All I knew was I needed to forgive people and I couldn’t do it on my own.  Yes, I tried, but it never worked. The feelings and pain were still there and soon I was back to being bitter. About a week later as I was driving home by myself, GOD just took the unforgiveness away and put such joy in my heart.  I couldn’t believe it. I had never felt this way. It is almost indescribable.  He did it. I cried and praised Him all the way home.

  • My GOD gave me JOY!  Indescribable, uncontainable joy filled my heart!  All I could think of was why in the world didn’t I do this sooner.  What was I thinking?  Why did I want to hold on to all that junky stuff in my life when I could have His Joy?  I never want to go back to that place of pain, hurt and unforgiveness.  It is just not worth keeping when you can be free and have His Joy.  Nothing of my self-life (pride) do I want to keep any longer.  My self-life(sin) just keeps me chained to death.  No money, person, house, car, life or anything from this earth is worth more to me than the Joy and Freedom I have found in my GOD, His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit.
  • My GOD gave me freedom in Him.  When I am obedient to His Will I have freedom.  His Will is always perfect for me.  My self-will is always selfish, controlling and imprisoning. My self-will keeps me chained to pride, discontent, strife, pain, and the list goes on.

But, when I am obedient to GOD’s Will, I can rest and have peace in Him.  In Him I have the freedom to live with joy.  His Will never hurts me in any way. His will is always good for me even when it may look tragic according to the outside world. I may never know His reason for doing something in my life, but I can trust because, He has shown Himself faithful and trustworthy.

  • My GOD has done for me more than any human or fake god could because He is the One True Living GOD, the Creator of all and the Sustainer of all. He, GOD, LOVE, has given me a life with Him forever inside His dwelling place. He has filled my dry well to overflowing with His LOVE.  His Grace sustains me daily and His Mercy is new every morning. My GOD has given me promises that I know He will keep. My GOD promises to walk with me everywhere I go and His hand is always under me to guide me and sustain me.  I have a living GOD that cares for me, loves me unconditionally and wants me to be His child.  He showed me His LOVE through His very Son Jesus.
  • My GOD gave me a GIFT. A gift is something someone gives to you. You do not have to earn it or pay for it in any way.  Now, in our fallen world, we are constantly bombarded with having to do something to be given a gift.  Santa has a nice and naughty list.  Parents have the same list and dole out love conditionally even though most try not to.  We are constantly told we have to do this to get that. Performance is the name of the game and it is ugly and self-serving.

BUT, GOD, He doesn’t work that way.  He gave me a no-strings attached gift of His Son.  I cannot do anything to pay for His gift in anyway.  There are no performance standards I have to meet. There are no under the table payments or credits given because I helped Aunt Martha clean her gutters out. I can’t give enough money to the church or get special dispensations of any kind. Make all the excuses you want, GOD doesn’t care about what you believe your personal challenges to be. He knows what they are. He gave them to you. What He cares about is having a personal relationship with you through His Son Jesus Christ.

  • He wants you to live with Him in Heaven and He knows that it is impossible for mankind to get to Heaven on their own.  GOD alone has provided the way through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Would you like to accept Jesus as your Savior and allow Him to become LORD of your life?  Awesome!!  Please visit the Meet Jesus page.

Oh, Father GOD, bring them into Your kingdom as Your child. Open their heart to Your love.  Tear down the barriers and strongholds that have bound them to this world. Father, help them reach out for Your Son, Jesus Christ, the only help we have which can save us.  Father, replace their emptiness with Your hope, Your peace, Your life and Your joy.

Oh Father GOD, let us here on earth rejoice with the heavens because You have a new child!

With Love from my LORD Master, Jesus Christ,


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