For My Good, Always

I cannot any more, LORD. I cannot.  I am tired of striving and working and worrying and not getting an inch closer to anything but going crazy.

The future looks bleak. No affordable housing, less pay, increased costs on everything.  Crazy people who think they are owed something – who use my money and are lazy bums.

Evil in the world – always in the world and will never stop. LORD Master, I know you are not silent nor are you still.  You are working even though it seems to me You are not.  My human perception cannot see Your work.  You are so great and mighty and your ways are not my ways nor are Your thoughts like mine.  You are the Creator GOD, Holy, Just, True, able to do all and the impossible.  You are the GOD who works for my good and not evil, who protects and guides me.  You are the GOD who makes promises to me and always keeps Your promises.  You are the GOD I can trust in and on. You are the GOD I can always come to and cast my cares and worries and troubles and sorrows at Your feet.  You are the GOD who cares and loves me so much that You sent Your only begotten Son to die for me; paying my debt which I could never ever pay.  All because You love me with such great and abounding love – a love beyond human understanding and beyond human capacity. A love so true and real and awesome that it is almost unfathomable, but real it is. Thank you LORD GOD, thank you.

Today, I cast my cares and worries to You.  You have told me in Your Word not to worry; that I can’t add to or take away one thing by my worry.    So, LORD GOD, here are my worries and cares.  I trust You.  You have again said in Your Word that I am to ask in Your Son’s name and it will be given to me.  So LORD GOD, I am asking as You have directed, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

LORD GOD, You know what I need and what is best – better for me- than I do.  I only know what I can see and touch.  So, I trust You, the GOD of the beginning and the end, the Creator of all things. Thank you.

Thank you LORD GOD.  Thank you for answered prayer. Thank you for Your answers to my prayers because they are the best for me.

I love you. You have my heart and I surrender all I am and have to Your will for me.  I am Yours.  Use me as You see fit.

In Jesus’ name, I pray these things.   Amen

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