White Cap Warning

Wow, how time flies, I started this post in September and then got busy with life.  So, after all this time, here it is.

I was reading my favorite devotional, Streams in the Desert, by  Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, A sentence jumped out at me.  Here, I will re-post today’s (really 9/18/13) entry from the book:

September 18th

“ ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ (Prov. 29:18). 

Waiting upon God is necessary in order to see Him, to have a vision of Him. The time element in vision is essential. Our hearts are like a sensitive photographer’s plate; and in order to have God revealed there, we must sit at His feet a long time. The troubled surface of a lake will not reflect an object.

Our lives must be quiet and restful if we would see God. There is power in the sight of some things to affect one’s life. A quiet sunset will bring peace to a troubled heart. Thus the vision of God always transforms human life.…–Dr. Pardington …”

In pondering the sentence highlighted above, I realized that my spirit is just like a “lake” and control of my spirit can come from one of two places or objects.  I can let my self-dog selfishness rule my spirit or I can let Jesus, my LORD Master have control.

When our spirits are in chaos, our life reflects turmoil instead of peace

Object of my heart: Me, the Self-dog

Qualities:  Prideful, ugliness, anger, restless, chaotic, impatience, self-serving, rebellion, excuses making, blaming, and so on.  Anything that reflects a pride filled self-centered, me only attitude of my heart.

My mantra is ” I am, and there is no other.”  My words, actions, attitudes and thoughts are self-serving and chaotic. My life reflects the self-dog choices I make.  I can appear calm and cool, but any deviation from my “me” agenda can bring on the winds and the stormy white caps are showing on my lake.

My self-imposed greatness and my “I can do it” attitude creates chaos in my life and dethrones Jesus, the only true giver of peace.  Instead of the quiet and still waters of my spirit reflecting back the LORD Master’s love, I have a spirit of turmoil and reflect my selfishness back to all those around me.

With Self-dog ruling, I look no different than the world around me. Jesus is no where to be found and the example of my life offers no hope of a better life.  I rob people of the life giving hope of and in Jesus when I serve my self-dog.

Why do you think that some claim they don’t want to become a Christian? Can it be because of the hypocrisy they see in us.  We claim to know and love Jesus, to be His followers, and to have given our hearts over to Him.  But, our words and actions do not walk the talk.

How does our walk match our talk?  A humble surrendering to Jesus of all we are, could be and ever will be, have or hold. It starts by being willingly willing to give up our pride filled existence and acknowledging the one who gives us hope and life, Jesus Christ.

The peace and calm of the LORD Master, Jesus Christ

Object of my heart: GOD the Father

Qualities:  Being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Peaceful, restful, calm, loving, self-controlled, kind, joyful, being faithful and having gentleness.

My mantra is ” GOD Can.  I Cannot.”  My words, actions, attitudes and thoughts are focused on GOD the Father. I serve others with a joyful and willing heart. My life may sometimes be turned upside down, but I am faithful and know that my GOD has it handled. Gone are the white caps. I have peace in my soul and my life reflects the calm of the LORD Master.

Surrendering my all to Jesus, allows Him to give me His peace.  As I surrender, moment by moment, making the choice to reflect Jesus to others and deny my self-dog, my actions, words, emotions and attitudes change and reflect His presence in my life; a difference others around me can see and sense.

If others can know there is a difference in me because of Jesus Christ, then I pray that they too will be drawn to Him through my example.

You may want to ask yourself:

1.  who do you want ruling your spirit, your pride or Jesus?  Both cannot co-exist.

2. what do you want reflecting back to others around you? Your pride or Jesus?

The choice is ours to make moment by moment.  I pray we continually choose Jesus so we may reflect Him alone.

Dear LORD Master,  how easy it is for us to go astray. How easy it is for us to conform to the world around us.  Lord Master, show us our sin so we may repent of it and turn wholly to You.  Cleanse us in the refiner’s fire so that our heart will be clean before You. May we always look up to You in worship and prayer seeking first Your Kingdom and Righteousness.  LORD Master, we want more of You.  We want our lives to be a living example of Your Love to those we meet each day.

We love You LORD Master and we pray this in Jesus’ name. 


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