GOD’s Story

As I look out upon the snowy ground,

The brilliance of white all around.

To think of my LORD Master’s hand,

Creating each snowflake unique as He did man.

Pride’s sin is Satan’s curse,

Man in his false glory darkens the earth.

GOD’s plan for us is not thwarted,

Although man’s view is distorted.

For GOD in His Love gave us His Son,

Even before we had begun.

Mercy poured upon us from Heaven’s Throne,

And GOD’s Grace to us was shown.

GOD’s Son, Jesus Christ our Savior was born,

To a world cold with sin’s thorn.

Life to sinners He would give,

Hope to mankind so we could live.

Sinless man and GOD was He

GOD’s provision and Mercy’s key.

A sacrifice pure and holy, Jesus alone knew,

Sin’s wages were death, blood payment was due,

Willingly Jesus surrendered His will,

Giving His Father what only He could fulfill.

Hung on a tree, mocked and scorned,

Our Savior’s death and the veil was torn.

Laid to rest three days in a tomb,

But death could not consume.

To Life He rose as He had promised,

Even though doubted one named Thomas.

Risen, alive is Jesus, sitting at GOD’s right hand,

Whose mercy and grace were given and planned.

Our transgression’s scars bare He still,

Marks of obedience to His Father’s will.

For when Love came to earth,

He poured Himself out for our rebirth.

Don’t wait or toil in your disgrace,

For all are called by His saving Grace

Surrender to Jesus your all

And let ‘Yes, LORD’ answer the call.

Humbled on surrendered knee,

In the Master’s will be.

All burdens and worry be set free,

As our Master works in thee.

Run hard the race appointed to each,

With God’s Grace it’s possible to reach.

How our spirits will rejoice,

To hear our Master’s pleased voice.

For our heart’s desire is fervent,

To hears His words “well done, good and faithful servant.”

Roaming no longer our sojourn complete,

Jesus’ welcoming arms we will meet.

To GOD be all the Glory,

For GOD alone is the story.

By Julia Rozier Garcia, 02/2012
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