A Biddable Heart

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Matthew 6:33 (KJV)

As Jesus commanded us in Matthew 6:33 to seek first the kingdom of GOD, He also gives us the most important commandment in Matthew 22:37-39 (NLT)

Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment’

 As I have thought about what seeking the kingdom of GOD first, as commanded, meant, I was at first perplexed about how this was to be done.  How does one seek first the kingdom of GOD?  The LORD is so good.  He always answers our sincere questions.  Right in the verse above is the answer.  We are to love the LORD GOD with all, the whole, the entire of who we are.  We are to seek the kingdom of GOD with our heart, soul and mind.

Did you notice that Jesus listed the heart first?  Now, I have learned that the Bible states things just as GOD intends.  There is no mistake that the heart is listed first in this list.  We know from Matthew 6:21  and Luke 12:34 “…for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”  So, our heart condition is very important to GOD.  In Psalms  4:23 GOD tells us to “Keep thy heart with all diligence;
for out of it are the issues of life.”  I don’t usually use the NIV version, but I like how it puts this verse: “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”    WOW!  Everything we do comes from our heart.  No wonder GOD is so concerned about our heart’s condition.

We are to seek the kingdom of GOD with all of our heart. King David was called a man after GOD’s own heart.  Why?  Because, David had fallen so in love with the Creator, the one true living GOD, that his heart continually sought out GOD.  David surrendered his will (soul) to GOD and obeyed Him.  David thought (mind) about GOD all the time. David, acknowledge GOD’s authority and supremacy in all things. David trusted GOD above all else. David, even with all his sin, had experienced the power of GOD. He knew GOD was real and worthy of giving everything he had to Him. All that mattered to David was worshipping in presence of GOD. David had a heart of worship, humility and obedience, thus, David was called “a man after GOD’s own heart.”

Can I say WOW again?   David was a worshipper of GOD.  He rejoiced in knowing his GOD and sought after GOD’s presence. He wasn’t content to know GOD with his mind, he wanted to know GOD personally and intimately in his heart. David was humble before the LORD. He knew, as my dad used to say “which side his bread was buttered on.”  In other words, David’s heart recognized GOD as King and Lord over his life. He surrendered his heart to the faithful GOD he had come to know and love deeply.  David trusted GOD.  Trust makes it possible to be obedient to GOD and David obeyed GOD.

Our heart condition is very important to GOD as He tells us in 1 Samuel 16:7 “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”  2 Chronicles 16:9 tells us that GOD’s eyes are going back and forth on the whole earth looking for those whose heart is perfect toward Him.  In the NASB version it states “… those whose heart is completely His.”  GOD’s focus is the condition of our heart.  He is constantly looking for those that are seeking after Him. Those that are not pretending on the outside while dead on the inside.  It is funny how we, as adults, can play a good game of the child’s game of pretend.  How quickly we forget our mighty GOD can see into and past the adornments and straight into our heart.   Are we one of the people that Jesus was speaking of in Matthew 15:8  when He said  “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”?

How is our heart to be then?  I like the way Tim Rowe states it in his book The Heart:

“GOD yearns for each of us to have a perfect heart.  The word translated ‘perfect’ from the Hebrew means ‘complete, whole, full and completely finishing or perfecting a work.’ It describes a heart wholly true to GOD and completely undivided in its allegiance.  It is a heart that utterly trusts and leans on Him in every circumstance and does not depend or put its confidence in the strength of another. It is a heart that empties itself of every ounce of self-pride, self-exultance, and self-reliance, and is totally consumed by GOD. …a heart that gives all of itself to GOD without reservation. …perfectly trusting in the delivering power of GOD…passionately rooted in GOD…seeks to be in GOD’s presence always…fiercely loyal…obedient without hesitation or compromise…loving GOD with every fiber of its being…and is unadulterated in its humility before the LORD.”

Our heart is to be humble and biddable before GOD. “Humility means the giving up of self and taking our place of nothingness before GOD.” (I’ll put that in quotes because someone else said it, but I failed to write down who it was.)  Biddable means willing to do what is asked; obedient”  We are to give up our life to Jesus and have a heart that is willing to be obedient to what He asks us to do.  Jesus is our perfect example. He humbled Himself as a man and gave Himself absolutely to the will of His Father and as a follower of Christ, I am to live by His example.  If I continually refuse to surrender my heart to Jesus and carry around all the baggage, then I have chosen to be disobedient to GOD by living in my own strength (pride). I cannot be humble before GOD and still do things in my own strength. I can be in charge (pride) or I can let GOD be in charge (humble)

Now in Galatians 2:20 Paul puts to rest the question of who is in charge. He states: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (NIV)   I don’t have control of my life anymore.  I am to give myself to Jesus and let Him control my life by living through me.  We cannot have a flow of living water if we are plugging up the faucet with our fears and pride.

Fear keeps the faucet plugged up. Fear is a heavy sack we throw on our backs by choice. Being fearful is not trusting GOD with something in our life.  In Mark 4:40 it Jesus rebukes the disciples and states:  “But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?”    God tells us in Matthew 10:31 “So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.”  And in Luke 12:32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.  John 14:27 tells us not to let our hearts become fearful because He gives us His peace. “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

We are to let our life go (Luke 17:33) to the One who gives us His peace. We are to let Jesus live His life through us by surrendering our heart to Him.  He tells us in Matthew 11:30 “For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”  I think the burden He gives us is to completely lay down our life in trust and complete dependence.  We never know how easy it is to bear His yoke is until we get rid of all the sacks of fear we have chosen to carry around on our shoulders.  Would you like to experience unimaginable joy in your heart? Unplug the faucet!

God made His point about fear and trust one morning as He woke me up with these words so loudly impressed on my mind:  GOD CAN!  I cannot! These words put into perspective the heart attitude my life was to have if I am to live as a Christ follower.  One of total dependence and trust in GOD.  To acknowledge the majesty, supremacy, and Ability of the GOD I profess to follow.

God spoke to my heart that day and said “change your heart attitude.”    I guess I had forgotten what He had told me some many years before…Seek first the kingdom of GOD and don’t worry about your life. To trust Him with everything, because, nothing is impossible for GOD.  I was tested not long after GOD spoke to me that day.  I can say that without a shadow of a doubt, GOD held up His promise of peace in my heart.  When I let go of my heart, He was, as always will be, faithful to His Word.

May I share another little story with you. I know it has been long…I am a visual learner and I like pictures.  They help remind me of what it is important.

I love this picture! It reminds me that Jesus is called the Lion of the tribe of Judah.  He is mighty – the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords. Jesus was totally abandon to His Father’s will. As the Bible states, obedient even unto death.  Jesus never did things on His own.  He always looked up to His Father and did His Father’s will.  Luke 22:42 says it all: “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”  The Lion reminds me to always look up to my Father in heaven.

You can’t see it very well, but it is snowing in the picture.  And, of course, the snow reminds me of how Jesus’ payment for our sin and His death on the cross, makes our sin as white as snow. Isaiah 1:18a (NIV) “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…”  Notice the word “shall” that is GOD’s promise word.  It is a done deal.

This picture helps me to remember and keep my heart grateful to the only One that is worthy of my adoration, worship, and sold out loyalty, my beloved, Jesus Christ.  Oh, how majestic His name is in all the earth! Psalm 8:1.

LORD Master, help me.  Surrendering isn’t easy.  Help me to give up every area of my life that is keeping me from being totally and absolutely surrendered to You.  Show me my wicked heart and allow me to repent of my sin. Help me to change and allow You LORD, to work in me.  LORD, I freely give to You every aspect of my life.  LORD, I acknowledge that YOU are the one and only GOD. Your ways are higher than my ways, LORD, and You know the path You want me to be on.  Thank you LORD. I am grateful for all the simple and marvelous gifts you lavish upon me.  Each second is a gift of life from You. Thank You.

LORD Master, there is so much in this world that distracts and deceives.  LORD, help me to keep my focus on You alone.  Help me to continue to seek You and Your will first.  Help me to be still before You so I can hear Your sweet voice.  Help me to be obedient to Your will for me.  Help me to live “my” life as your bondservant, with a heart attitude of humility and willingness to do Your will and not my own.

Thank you LORD Master! 

LORD Master, I give You my life and everything I have.  I want to be a clean and humbled vessel for Your use. May I be obedient to Your will and voice when You call.  May my heart bow down to You, the One and Only Living GOD. May my eyes be focused on You alone and not all the things of this dying and death filled world.

You alone are my strength and joy.  You alone know the plans You have for me. You alone know and are the beginning and the end.  You alone are GOD; high and lifted up; worthy to be praised continually and forever. 


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