In the last post I wrote about GOD’s love for us and how He does not see our sin because of the price His Son, Jesus paid for us. The story spoke of a woman who was determined to overlook the offenses of her husband for love’s sake. Today, I would like to keep unpacking this thought from my last post’s story.
I believe GOD is showing me through this story what a hypocrite I really am.
When GOD corrects me He gets that mirror out fast! As He holds it up in front of me and asks me to gaze into it, I hear Him say “who’s refection do you see in the mirror, My child? Is it My Son’s or is it yours?”
Ouch! There, in the mirror, as I look GOD shows me the darkness of my heart; my selfishness; my unloving attitude toward others.
I don’t know about you, but when GOD shows me something all I can do is fall on my knees and admit my sin! Admit I have no control over how to handle my sin or get ”rid” of it. All I can do is admit I have it and ask GOD to help me turn from it. In other words, I have to put myself completely into my LORD Master’s hands to work out in me His will for my life. I have to surrender to Him.
In surrendering to my LORD Master, I am giving Him control over my life. I want my Lord Master’s reflection in the mirror when GOD holds it up the next time. I want my LORD Master’s Love to flow out of me freely.
I am going to remember this from this story and when I fail I am going to get back up. I may have failed in the past, even in the last two minutes, but it is now and I am not going to let my past determine my future. I am going to grab the hand of my LORD Master and I am going to hold as tight as I can.
I realize also, that I am going to let go of GOD’s hand and fail again. My surrender is not a one- time deal but a moment by moment decision. But, as long as I surrender my will to my LORD Master, I allow Him to live through me; when He lives through me, He Loves through me; when His love comes through me, I can truly say “ ’I’ will overlook that.”
Not my will but Yours be done, LORD Master.
Father GOD, thank you for Your faithfulness and love. LORD, help me to hold on tight to Your hand and to allow You to work and cleanse me as you see fit. LORD, I can’t love on my own. I just don’t have it in me to love my enemies or those that hurt me is some way. Even those I love, I do not love unconditionally, but with expectations of love in return.
LORD GOD, I surrender to You my life so that Your Life and Love may flow out through me to those around me.
LORD GOD, You make it possible for me to fulfill Your command to love one another. Thank you.
I pray that I may be a sweet aroma for You LORD Master where ever I go. Amen